Sunday, February 27, 2011

U n i !

I start U n i v e r s i t y today!
I am very excited today as I have my first lecture! Anyone who doesn't know (or cares) I am going to Sydney University to study Media and communications ( other words journalism).
I worked all through high school to reach the goal of getting into this course so I am super, super excited to finally start my degree.
My first lecture is at 4pm, pretty random time but I'm pumped nevertheless.

au revoir!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope your first day was good! I always get so excited to see that you've got a new post up. Also, my laptop is comatose so I have to use my vintage computer, which doesn't support tumblr :( But I've bean stealing my significant other's laptop to reblog everything you post. I hope your first lecture was brilliant :) x