Tuesday, April 28, 2009

J A P A N.

K O N I C H I W A!
My ten days in Japan was one of the most amazing experiences of my life- I will never forget it. I met some of the most magical people I've come across, and Ive made a lovely Japanese best friend with my host student, Mari.

Enjoy some stereotypical Japanese pictures- peace signs and all. They are called "Parikura" in Japanese, Mari taught me that,please excuse the school uniform- not much fashion on my part here- the sailor uniforms on the other hand...

I'll do some more posts on Japan when I upload my photos, and I will talk about the six Japanese fashion magazines I bought- they're amazing!

bai bai!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A few of my favourite things...parties and this photo.

Me and my dear, dear friend Kate.

From the party last night. Taken by the talented Hugh. CHECK. RIGHTO...I'm off to Japan for 10 days, catch up with you when I'm back.
au revoir

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Teen lovers, dont wait.

Alexa Chung and Alex Turner- They are british, beautiful, and bright.
Alexa Chung, the model-turned quirky T.V presenter ( who's style I've been stalking for a while now) and the babe of a talented man, Arctic monkeys' lead Alex Turner really are the most amazing couple.They're both cool and stylish. Enjoy the eye candy.

Although I think they may be broken up now...still, they're worth posting about.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Debbie Harry style...but I'm wearing underwear.

I bought this top today- the writing is actually the opposite way in person, but meh. I like it...kinda reminds me of Erin Wasson's 'cowboy' one, even though I'm not such a big fan of her. The t-shirt is Casette society, a nice brand, even though the face of it is Zippora Seven, who I still remain indifferent to, im not sure if I dislike her particularly or like her..oh well im off to walk my dog, MAX.
Later on though i'm going to a party! Hopefully photos will be taken. I'll be wearing this t-shirt. Have a lovely day.
au revior.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


I rather H a t e jeans...

But these make me actually like them a little. Ive never been a jean fan, I do very much like skinny jeans on guys, but on girls, jeans are a very difficult thing to pull off, and I am one such person who can not. I will stay faithful to my covenant with the skirt, Thankyou...But lately I have been tempted with blue acid wash jeans and I find myself saying " If I wore jeans,I would wear..."

Check these very me style jeans here. They're tight and feminine and pretty- and look very nice with the t-shirt. perfect plain outfit.
au revoir.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

sad face!

Yesterday I lost all the faith that I had in General pants (people told me it was an evil consumer company!), of course I am being entirely over dramatic, as I already have plans to go back there in two days time ( I am an optimist!). This whole bit comes about as yesterday I travelled into the city ( they have 3 general pants stores within walking distance) to try and find those red plaid tights and that black striped sweater from a few blogs back...I had saved up my pay cheque and figured out that it'd be cool to spend $130 on clothes, even though I am going to Japan in less than a weeks time for 10 days, on a student exchange ( I need clothes to wear in Japan don't I?) and after visiting every store in search of them I asked the lady at the flagship store- she looks up on her high tech computer that tells me that they had pretty much sold out of every single one of both of those products in NSW, there may be one in random shopping malls ( im visiting random malls on Monday and Tuesday- so wish me luck) but apart from that, no luck.
I was saddened!

Heres some unrelated photographs of me chillaxing in my kitchen, wearing a top of my mum's from the 80s and thigh highs... I thought i'd start displaying some of my old photos on this blog, especially the ones of me in the house, as it is soon to be my old house as im moving to Newtown! very exciting, in less than a month...so look forward to more random me chillaxing in half-arsed outfits in a NEW setting, and a very pretty one at that.
Thus concluding my random irrelevant blog post- I promise I'll post somthing even slightly related to fashion soon. On my mind now: adorable cropped tees (in a colour like grey marl or a black or white) with a pretty skirt and stockings...perhaps shiny ones...

au revoir.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

sometimes parties can be fun...




From My dear friend Samm's party last week.
I went with the silver dress but all the photos containing me are too embarrassing to post here- and you cant really see anything anyway. I do aim to take appropriate party photos one day...at the moment however I am more than happy blinding people with the flash when they least expect it

Lets go to a party?

Today was lame. So I decided to have fun with Vladamir- my camera.
I also would like an Alexa Chung style, granny braid hairstyle tomorrow. And hopefully I shall see some lovely people on Thursday... and maybe I'll shop then too.
Photos from party up soon...maybe even tonight :)
I'm listening to High places and dreaming of my family's summer house in Sweden right in the woods, next to a beach.
Au revoir.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Girl crush.

This girl has the best hair I've ever, ever, ever seen. One day I will have it too. Estefania from trop belle.

CHECK the amzgingly goregous sweed here.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lets rock and roll.

Heres some more A U T U M N inspirations!
These are the product mainly of, well the realisation that is sometimes okay to conform to mainstream fashion houses, just so long as: a)I don' see every teenybopper wearing the same clothes as me, and b) if I put my own style two cents on the outfit- like an excessive amount of bows ( whether it be in the hair, or a bow tie), pretty socks/stockings, or flowers in my hair ( how I miss that!) This outfit is mainly derived from that deadly case of fashion block which I realise is basically a shift of my personal style- not so much a shift I suppose, as more of a blending of two very different tastes. I have always been the girl routing for designers like Erin Featherstone and Chanel, i'm not really a fan of Alexander Wang and Balmain, on the other side of the fashion spectrum. My favourite designers never fail to be ethereal and feminine designs- but what im taking new interest in is those slightly less girly designers ( I wouldnt go so far as to say Wang, but...something similar?) with cleaner and simpler lines, inspired by certain punk styles. Trash kitsch chic could be a little harsh, but something along those lines.

I will most definitely be buying this sweater and the pants from General pants soon, the boater- well, Marc Jacobs...enough said, and the shoes are from Topshop -also (SADLY) inapplicable.
I like this outfit very much as it is laid back and low maintenance, as well as chic and slightly pretty with the shiny boater and gorgeous lavender multi- strap heels! I can see myself walking around the city with long slightly wavy hair under this boater, as well as possibly frilly white socks just over the tights.

I have also ( after going into Sydney's flagship store for the first time a few weeks back) fallen in love with a few things from American Apparel. I had, truthfully heard bad things about it from my slightly more fashionable friends, but I would have to disagree! ( okay, yes there is some seedy see-through "dresses" in there, but I ignore them) I really like the amount of body suits they have ( there might be a lavender one!) and they also have AMAZING black shiny stockings which I will be getting.

Still at American Apparel, I also have a huge love for this dress which my friend wore to a party a few days ago- and I will get it now too! It suited her really well and she looked amazingly pretty (how I love Ali's sense of style) so I think it could look good on me if I wore it correctly. I think I will either get the silver one or the navy blue one. Its a perfect party dress and it's just so gorgeous and beautifully fitting- and because of its simplicity, it can be accessories easily! (I'm thinking my shiny fishnets from a few blogs back)

All for now, au revoir.